This Post Has Been Removed: Pomona City Attorney Threatens Foothill Cities
This post has been removed from our humble blog as per the threat of the Pomona City Attorney.
Promoting responsible, limited local government and exposing corruption and government waste in Claremont, Pomona, La Verne, San Dimas, Glendora, Azusa, Duarte, Bradbury, Monrovia, Arcadia, Sierra Madre, and Pasadena
This post has been removed from our humble blog as per the threat of the Pomona City Attorney.
Posted by
Thursday, April 26, 2007
and labeled:
While you raise the serious issue of using city money impropperly, it seems like you are concentrating on the younger woman involved. As a woman who lives in Pomona, I am offended..why is it that this dirty old man gets paid off to leave..and the younger woman gets her reputation hurt by your blog?? You should be ashamed..very sexist!
If this is true,,,then Douglas violated his public trust. He should not get a payoff for doing this..and should be kicked out today---not in six months. I don't pay my taxes for this!
hey blogger, how about putting the new, updated information at the TOP of the post, instead of at the bottom. just a suggestion.
I wouldn’t ordinarily respond to rumors, lies and insults to my reputation; however, since there is another person involved, I feel compelled to completely disavow such slander. First, I had been considering retirement for at least six (6) months prior to my announcement on Monday, April 16. The City Council was quite surprised; however, I first began examining the financial aspect of such a separation in November 2006, and contacted my attorney to draft an agreement soon after the beginning of the year. Both my attorney and me discussed the contents of such an agreement with the City Attorney beginning in February of this year, so the allegation that the Pomona City Council forced me to retire is false.
Other than a plutonic and mentoring relationship, I further deny involvement with this female employee. I first met her at some professional Conference and we had a few dinners over the next year. Personnel records are confidential; however, I will say that all employees hired by the City of Pomona undergo a rigorous selection process administered by the Human Relations Department. I encouraged her to apply for the position in the Redevelopment Agency and I recommended her for the position, but I was not the “appointing authority.” She is a well-qualified, Hispanic woman (one of two in the department) that speaks fluent Spanish, has a Bachelor degree and will be evaluated by her supervisors. She has worked in governmental relations and is experienced with organizing public meetings and campaigns, which is what her position called for in the job description. I am not her supervisor, but her supervisor has advised me that she has been an outstanding addition to the staff of the Agency.
You should reconsider posting these anonymous, slanderous emails. It is a disservice to the woman in question, the City organization and the entire Pomona community. Doug Dunlap
It is about time that Doug commented!!! As a long-time citystaffer in pomona who works in city hall, none of us who are concernd have said that his girlfrined is not qualified....but EVERYONE, inlcuding our elected officials, knows that this woman is his non-platonic girlfriend! They have been seen together many times...and not in "business dinner" situations!!!! There are no secrets in pomona city hall. Doug should be ashamed for lying...
Doug...your denial does not ring true to us in should consider how old you are..and date woman closer to your age. My daughter is older than this woman who we all are haveing relations with.
K's last comment sounds like it was written by Doug! Come on...there a'int any secrets in pomona city hall. The reason people who didn't the job did not obvious to anyone...if they did, Dougie would fire their asses..!! C'mon "K' ...(I mean Doug!)
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