Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Sierra Madre Take Note: UPDATED

Sierra Madre's day laborer troubles continue, but they can take solace in knowing they are not alone. SGV city Baldwin Park may offer an example of how to tackle the problem of those uncouth (and salaciously insulting) fellows waiting to work. Nisha Gutierrez at the SGVT reports on the plan, which largely consists of banning "solicitation in areas intended for vehicular use, landscaped parkways and pedestrian walkways."

The ACLU doesn't like the sound of that, and the whole plan seems quite surprising given Baldwin Park's perceived leniency towards illegal immigrants in the past. But those are not concerns of Sierra Madre. More important, and more familiar perhaps, to distraught Sierra Madre residents, though, are the alleged actions of the laborers themselves.

Baldwin Park officials said the ordinance comes in response to complaints from residents about laborers urinating, sitting on cars, drinking, gambling and making offensive remarks to customers in the parking lot of Home Depot on Puente Avenue.

I'm sure this Sierra Madre resident can sympathize.


I neglected to include the Star-News editorial on the subject which mentions a number of other Foothill cities suffering from the same problem (namely disputes over ill-behaved or overly solicitous day laborers). Check out their support for the Baldwin Park proposal here.

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