Friday, February 09, 2007

Claremont v. Pomona?

Will Bigham explains the interesting situation in Claremont in an interesting Daily Bulletin article. The Pomona Valley Protective Association (PVPA), of which the City of Pomona, Southern California Water Company, West End Consolidated, American States Water Company, City of Upland, San Antonio Water Company, and Pomona College are all "major share-holders," is thinking of selling some land in north Claremont to a developer. Needless to say, many Claremonters wouldn't be too happy about this. The Claremont city council sent a letter to Pomona explaining why it would be a big no-no.

I wonder if the Claremont city council has anyone on it who would be willing to re-zone the land so the development could take place? I mean, we can't have people buying and selling property and just doing whatever they hell they want with it—never mind putting up a group of nice, big, houses on some of our barren hills.

Fair enough, I suppose, but if it could be guaranteed that the money from the sale would be spent on more [and honest] cops in Pomona, I say sell the land. In the meantime, Claremont residents should count their lucky stars that they live in a city that has the luxury of spending millions just to keep the space "open," as they say. Most cities in the U.S. want upscale development desperately and do just about anything to get it. All this "open space" stuff is all well and good in its way, but a sense of perspective will clue you in: this is the politics of wealthy cities that can do what they want.

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