Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Pomona: City of Ill Tidings

As you may have noticed, Pomona is well on its way to becoming the new Duarte in these parts. Just yesterday, I noted the curious coincidence of a prostitution sting and Mayor Norma Torres attempt to use bureaucracy to improve talking ties 'tween City Council and the men of the law.

Prostitituion and poor communication are hardly the least of Pomona's worries. The latest plan to reduce the homeless population in Downtown LA has them building a new homeless Pomona (Cara Mia DiMassa and Jack Leonard, LAT). Uh huh. It's not enough that Los Angeles exported its gang problem to Pomona and surround cities. Now, they'll send their homeless as well. Brilliant.

Of course, that's not the big news. It turns out even Pomona criminals don't have it together: Robbery Suspect Arrested When His Leg Falls Off. That's right. His Apparently, robbery and prosthetics are a losing combination. And now most news outlets in America have run a story on the loose-limbed thief. Nice.

You might make the mistake of thinking this was good news: Few Signs of Holiday Homicides (Mark Petix, DB). In fact, that headline doesn't refer to a lack of violence on Easter, but rather the way that evidence of recent killings vanished almost immediately.

Heck, while Pasadena's courts score Snoop Dogg, Pomona courts get this guy. Oh sure, Pomona has a cameo in Borat, but it's hardly, ahem, flattering. Our apologies to Miss Havisham, but Pomona just can't catch a break.

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