Monday, February 12, 2007

Claremont Candidate Statements

The Daily Bulletin spots Claremont candidates 200 words a piece:

Sam Pedroza's call for an "an aggressive mining proposal" sounds more exciting than it is; Michael John Keenan's warning that "we will not be recycled" is itself pretty recycled; whatever her virtues, the fact that Linda Elderkin was "dean at both Pitzer and Pomona colleges" translates into two reasons to vote against her; Yao's taking of credit for all ongoing Claremont development is a tad overblown. Yao is either really, really popular or he must really, really want to be Mayor though, judging by all those damn yard signs.

I can't help but notice that Jackie McHenry is the only one who talks the responsible government talk and give examples of walking it too:

Since you elected me in 2003, I have worked diligently to keep the promises I made to you then. Except in instances where I did not receive the supporting votes of our council, for instance in doing away with $914 a month health benefits/deferred compensation for council members and an open interview process for selecting commissioners, I have fulfilled those promises. Council meetings are now televised, public documents are more available and accessible, no more $13,000 retirement parties for council members, alcohol is no longer a reimbursable expense, and all five council members no longer attend conferences together. I oversee city expenditures and vote to make sure your money is used for the best and highest purposes possible.

In this election, I promise to continue fiscal oversight of your tax dollars by appointing a Citizens Oversight Committee to advise council on expenditures, implementing a Heritage Tree program to save significant trees from destruction, building and renovating city owned property to LEED Silver Certified standards, diversifying our tax base while preserving and assisting our current businesses,and a public advisory vote on purchasing the water company.

On March 6th, let me continue to be your voice on our city council.

I'll spot candidates like this their sometimes harmless (and sometimes helpful) wealthy-city-environmentalism and many other quirks if they show a simple understanding of their relationship to those who elected them.

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