Monday, April 02, 2007

The Proctor Is In: Bogaard's Power Play

Speaking of commissions, apparently Bill Bogaard is looking to put AP on the Human Relations Commission. No word on what nefarious purpose could possibly be motivating this apparent attempt to silence his main political oppponent. Certainly behind that bland public persona lies a man capable of the most devious scheming, one who would stop at nothing to achieve political mastery of the city of Pasadena, even to the point of embracing his enemies. And yet the truth could be even more sinister: has AP gone over to the dark side?

Or, more prosaically, Bogaard's being the nice guy everyone makes him out to be.

In other news, this marks the formal beginning of a new feature at Foothill Cities: The Proctor Is In. The chronicles of Bogaard's arch-nemesis deserve a title, but we want to give you a chance to be immortalized on our blog: if you can come up with a better title, we'll give ours the boot and enshrine yours as the new header.

So, fire away in the comments (and remember the definition of "better" corresponds precisely with our definition of "best")) and let us see what you got.


Anonymous said...

Awesome. Or as the Proctor is fond of saying, "rock on!"

Anonymous said...

I like the name and I feel honored you're doing this. I hope it doesn't become too boring for you :-)

Centinel said...

Nice Pasadena reference, worthy of consideration, but universal puns are preferred.